تفسير الا مام العسكري(عليه السلام)

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1 تفسير الا مام العسكري(عليه السلام) COMMENTARY OF IMAM AL ASKARI asws التفسير المنسوب إلى الامام ابي محمد الحسن بن علي العسكري (عليهم السلام) COMMENTARY ASSOCIATED TO THE IMAM ABU MUHAMMAD AL HASSAN BIN ALI AL ASKARI asws PART NINE 1 out of 53

2 بسم االله الرحمن الرحيم IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE BENEFICENT THE MERCIFUL السورة التي يذآر فيها البقرة THE CHAPTER IN WHICH THE COW IS MENTIONED (CONTINUED) في أن للرسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) من المعجزات ماآان للانبياء (عليهم السلام): MIRACLES OF THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH saww SIMILAR TO THAT OF THE PROPHETS asws 292 فقيل لامير المو منين (عليه السلام): يا أمي ر الم و منين فه ذه ا ي ة موس ى ف ي رفع ه الجب ل فوق رؤوس الممتنعين عن قبول ما امروا به فه ل آ ان لمحم د ا ي ة مثله ا فق ال أمي ر الم و منين (عليه السلام): إي والذي بعثه بالحق نبيا ما من ا ية آانت لاحد من الانبياء من ل دن ا دم إل ى أن انتهى إلى محمد (صلى االله عليه وا له) إلا وقد آان لمحمد مثلها وأفضل منها ولقد آ ان لرس ول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) نظير هذه الا ية إلى ا يات اخر ظهرت له. Someone said to the Commander of the Faithful asws : 'O Commander of the Faithful asws! This Sign of Musa as in elevating the mountain over the heads of the rejecters of his as order, was there a Sign similar to this for Muhammad saww?' The Commander of the Faithful asws said: 'Yes, by the One Who Sent him saww as a true Prophet saww, there was no Sign for any one of the Prophets asws from the start from Adam as to end with Muhammad saww except that for Muhammad saww a similar one or a greater Sign was Given. And for the Messenger of Allah saww a similar one to that one was manifested from him saww '. 2 out of 53

3 وذلك أن رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) لم ا أظه ر بمك ة دعوت ه وأب ان ع ن االله عزوج ل مراده رمت ه الع رب ع ن ق سي ع داوتها ب ضروب إمك انهم ولق د ق صدته يوم ا وإن ي آن ت أول الناس إسلاما بعث يوم الاثنين وصليت معه يوم الثلاثاء: وبقي ت مع ه اص لي س بع س نين حت ى دخل نفر في الاسلام وأيد االله تعالى دينه من بعد فجاءه قوم من الم شرآين فق الوا ل ه: ي ا محم د تزعم أنك رسول رب العالمين ثم أنك لا ترضى ب ذلك حت ى ت زعم أن ك س يدهم وأف ضلهم ول ي ن آنت نبيا فا تنا با ية آما تذآره عن الانبياء قبلك: مثال نوح الذي جاء بالغرق ونجا في سفينته مع المو منين. وإبراهيم ال ذي ذآ رت أن الن ار جعل ت علي ه ب ردا وس لاما. وموس ى ال ذي زعم ت أن الجبل رفع فوق رؤوس أصحابه حتى انقادوا لما دع اهم إلي ه ص اغرين داخ رين. وعي سى ال ذي آان ينبي ه بما يا آلون و ما يدخرون في بيوتهم. 'And that when the Messenger of Allah saww announced his saww Allah azwj s Call, the Arabs stood-up against him saww with fierce enmity and plotted to kill him saww. And I asws was the first one to be on Islam, from the day of Monday, and Prayed with him saww from Tuesday and remained Praying with him saww for seven years, until a number of people entered the fold of Islam and Allah azwj Helped His azwj Religion afterwards. A group of polytheists came up to him saww and said: 'O Muhammad saww! You saww consider yourself saww to be a Messenger of the Lord azwj of the worlds, then you saww are not happy with this and claim to be their as (Prophets) Chief and preferable to them as. And if you saww are a Prophet asws, then give us a Sign the like of which has been mentioned about the Prophets as before you saww the like of the drowning of the people of Noah as and the survival of those believers who sailed with him as in the ship. And Ibrahim as for whom as it is mentioned that the fire became cold and protected him as. And for Musa as, it is claimed that the mountain was lifted up over the heads of his as companions until they accepted his as call and were made submissive and disgraced. And Isa as informed them of what they had eaten and hidden in their houses'. وصار هو لاء المشرآون فرقا أربعة: هذه تقول: أظهر لنا ا ية نوح (عليه ال سلام). وه ذه تق ول: أظهر لنا ا ية موسى (عليه السلام). وهذه تقول: أظهر لنا ا ية إبراهيم (عليه السلام). وهذه تقول: أظهر لنا ا ية عيسى (عليه السلام). And these polytheists were of four groups. This one said: 'Show us the Sign of Noah as. And other said: 'Show us the Sign of Musa as '. And other said: 'Show us the Sign of Ibrahim as '. And other said: 'Show us the Sign of Isa as '. فقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): إنم ا أن ا ن ذير مب ين ا تي تكم با ي ة مبين ة: ه ذا الق را ن ال ذي تعجزون أنتم والامم وساي ر العرب عن معارض ته وه و بلغ تكم فه و حج ة بين ة عل يكم وم ا بع د ذلك فليس لي الاقتراح على ربي فما على الرسول إلا البلاغ المبين إلى المقرين بحج ة ص دقه وا ية حقه وليس عليه أن يقترح بعد قي ام الحج ة عل ى رب ه مايقترح ه علي ه المقترح ون ال ذين لا يعلمون هل الصلاح أو الفساد فيا يقترحون 3 out of 53

4 The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'I saww am an open warner and have given you a manifest Sign, this Quran, which irritates you and it has silenced the rest of the Arabs in their opposition, and it is in your language and is a proof over you and those that will come afterwards. It is not appropriate for me saww to propose this to my saww Lord azwj. It is not for a Messenger saww but to deliver the Message openly for his proof and a sign for his saww truthfulness. And it is not appropriate for him saww to propose this to his saww Lord azwj after having established the given proof. The non-believers, however, are demanding something (Signs) without knowing if its going to benefit them or cause them harm.' فجاءه جبري يل (عليه ال سلام) فق ال: ي ا محم د إن العل ي الاعل ى يق رأ علي ك ال سلام ويق ول: إن ي ساظهر لهم هذه الا يات وإنهم يكفرون بها إلا من أعصمه منهم ولكني اريهم زيادة في الاعذار والايضاح لحججك. فق ل له و لاء المقت رحين لاي ة ن وح: ام ضوا إل ى جب ل أب ي قب يس ف اذا بلغ تم سفحه فسترون ا ي ة ن وح ف اذا غ شيكم اله لاك فاعت صموا به ذا وبطفل ين يكون ان ب ين يدي ه. وق ل للفريق الثانى المقترحين لا ي ة إب راهيم (علي ه ال سلام): ام ضوا إل ى حي ث تري دون م ن ظ اهر مكة ف سترون ا ي ة إب راهيم ف ي الن ار ف اذا غ شيكم ال بلاء ف سترون ف ي اله واء ام رأة ق د أرس لت طرف خمارها فتعلقوا به لتنجيكم من الهلكة وترد عنكم النار. Jibraeel as came over and said: 'O Muhammad saww! The Most High Sends to you saww His azwj Greetings and Says: "I azwj will Manifest these Signs and they will disbelieve in them except for the obedient ones, but I azwj will Show them more than what they ask for to further highlight your saww proof (of Prophethood). Say to these ones who are demanding for the Sign of Noah as : 'Go towards the mount Abu Qubays and they will see the Sign of Noah as. When they are engulfed by it and face destruction, then hold on to this man asws and the two children that are in front of him asws. And say to the second group who are asking for the Sign of Ibrahim as : 'Go outside Mecca in any direction of their choosing and they will see the Sign of Ibrahim as of the raging fire. When they are engulfed by this difficulty, they will see in the air a Lady asws who will be dangling a piece of an outfit, hold onto its extension and they will be saved from destruction, and the fire will turn away from them. وقل للفريق الثالث: وأنتم المقت رحين لا ي ة موس ى ام ضوا إل ى ظ ل الكعب ة ف سترون ا ي ة موس ى (عليه السلام) وسينجيكم هناك عمي حمزة. وقل للفريق الرابع وري ي سهم أبوجه ل: وأن ت ي ا أب ا جهل فاثبت عندي ليتصل بك أخب ار ه و لاء الف رق الثلاث ة ف ان الا ي ة الت ي اقترحته ا أن ت تك ون بحضرتي. فقال أبوجهل للفرق الثلاثة: قوموا فتفرقوا ليتبين لكم باطل قول محمد. 'And say to the third group: 'who are asking for the Sign of Musa as, so go to the shadow of the Kaaba and there they will see the Sign of Musa as, and they will be saved from it by your saww uncle Hamza ar. And say to the fourth group and their chief Abu Jahl la : 'And O Abu Jahl la, stay over here with me saww, and you will receive the news of these three groups, and the Sign that you are asking for, you will find it in my saww presence here'. Abu Jahl la said to the three 4 out of 53

5 groups: 'Arise and go so that the falsehood of Muhammad saww can be proven to you'. 5 out of 53

6 ماآان مثل ا ية نوح (عليه السلام): AT THE PLACE OF THE SIGN SIMILAR TO THAT OF NOAH asws فذهبت الفرقة الاولى إلى حضرة جبل أبي قبيس فلما صاروا ف ي الارض إل ى جان ب الجب ل نبع الماء من تحتهم ونزل من السماء الماء من فوقهم من غي ر غمام ة ولا س حاب وآث ر حت ى بلغ أفواههم فا لجمها وألجا هم إلى صعود الجبل إذ لم يجدوا ملجا سواه فجعلوا ي صعدون الجب ل والماء يعلو م ن تح تهم إل ى أن بلغ وا ذروت ه وارتف ع الم اء حت ى ألجمه م وه م عل ى قل ة الجب ل وأيقن وا ب الغرق إذ ل م يك ن له م مف ر. ف رأوا علي ا (علي ه ال سلام) واقف ا عل ى م تن الم اء ف وق قل ة الجبل وعن يمينه طفل وعن يساره طفل فناداهم عل ي (علي ه ال سلام). خ ذوا بي دي انج يكم أو بيد من شي تم من هذين الطفل ين فل م يج دوا ب دا م ن ذل ك فبع ضهم أخ ذ بي د عل ي (علي ه ال سلام) وبعضهم أخذ بيد أحد الطفلين وبعضهم أخذ بي د الطف ل الا خ ر وجعل وا ينزل ون به م م ن الجب ل والماء ينزل وينحط من بين أيديهم حتى أوصلوهم إلى القرار والماء يدخل بعضه ف ي الارض ويرتفع بعضه إلى السماء حتى عادوا آهيي تهم إلى قرار الارض. The first group went to the presence of mount Abu Qubays. When they came to the ground besides it, water started springing out from underneath them, and the rain poured down from the sky when there were no clouds in sight. The water gathered so much that it reached up to their mouths making them dumb. They started climbing up the mountain, as they had no other choice, but the water level kept on rising along with them, the higher they went. The water came up to their mouths again and they were near its peak and there was no alternative to their drowning. They saw Ali asws on top of the water at the peak of the mountain, and there was a boy on his asws right and a boy on his asws left. Ali asws called out to them: 'Take hold of my asws hand and be saved, or the hand of either of these boys'. There did no exist for them a choice other than that, so some of them held on to the hand of Ali asws, and some took the hand of one of the boys asws and some of them held on the hand of the other boy asws. They started climbing down the mountain with them and the water level kept on receding under them until they reached the ground. Some of the water sank into the ground and some of it evaporated into the air until the ground became as it used to be before. فجاء على (عليه السلام) بهم إلى رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) وهم يبكون ويقولون: نشهد إنك سيد المرسلين وخير الخلق أجمعين رأينا مثل طوفان نوح وخل صنا ه ذاوطفلان آان ا مع ه ل سنا نراهم ا الا ن. فق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): أم ا إنهم ا س يكونان هم ا الح سن والحسين سيولدان لاخي هذا وهما سيدا شباب أهل الجنة وأبوهما خير منهما اعلموا أن الدنيا بح ر عمي ق وق د غ رق فيه ا خل ق آثي ر وأن س فينة نجاته ا ا ل محم د: عل ي ه ذا وول داه الل ذان رأيتموهما سيكونان وساي ر أفاضل أهلي فمن رآب هذه السفينة نجا ومن تخل ف عنه ا غ رق. 6 out of 53

7 ثم قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): وآ ذلك الا خ رة جنته ا وناره ا آ البحر وه و لاء س فن امتي يعبرون بمحبيهم وأولياي هم إلى الجنة. ثم قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): أسمعت هذا يا أبا جهل قال: بلى حتى أنظر إلى الفرقة الثانية والثالثة. Ali asws went with them to the Messenger of Allah saww and they were crying and said: 'We bear witness that you saww are the Chief of the Messengers as and the best of all the creation. We have seen the like of the flood of Noah as and we were rescued from it by him asws and the two boys asws which we cannot see here at the moment'. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'These are boys asws that will be, and they are Al-Hassan asws and Al-Husayn asws the children to be of this brother of mine saww, and they asws are the Chiefs of the youths of Paradise and their asws father asws is better than them. Let it be known that the world is a deep ocean, and a lot of people will be drowned in it. The ship of salvation is the Progeny asws of Muhammad saww This Ali asws and the two boys asws of his asws to be, that you saw, and the rest of my saww preferable Family asws. Whoever sails in this ship will be saved, and whoever stays away from it will be drowned'. Then the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'And similarly, the Paradise and the Fire of the hereafter is like an ocean and they asws are like the ships for my saww community and will take those (to salvation) that love them asws and their asws friends to Paradise'. Then the Messenger of Allah saww : 'Did you hear this O Abu Jahl la?' He la said: 'Yes, but I await the second and the third group'. 7 out of 53

8 ماآان مثل ا ية ابراهيم (عليه السلام): AT THE PLACE OF THE SIGN SIMILAR TO THAT OF IBRAHIM asws وجاءت الفرقة الثاني ة يبك ون ويقول ون: ن شهد إن ك رس ول رب الع المين وس يد الخل ق أجمع ين مضينا إلى صحراء ملساء ونحن نتذاآر بيننا قولك فنظرنا إلى السماء قد تشققت بجمر النيران تتناثر عنها ورأينا الارض قد تصدعت ولهب النيران يخرج منها. فما زالت آذلك حت ى طبق ت الارض وملاته ا وم سنا م ن ش دة حره ا حت ى س معنا لجلودن ا نشي شا م ن ش دة حره ا وأيقن ا بالاشتواء والاحتراق وعجبنا بتا خر رؤيتنا بتلك النيران. And the second group came over crying and said: 'We bear witness that you are the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds and the Chief of all creation. We moved towards the smooth desert plains and were discussing between us what you saww had said, and we looked towards the sky and saw streaks of fire streaming out of it, and we saw that the earth had split open and flames of fire come out of it. This did not recede until it formed layers on the earth and we felt the intensity of its heat until we thought our skins would start to melt and we would be burnt to ashes by these fires'. فبينا نحن آذلك إذ رفع لنا في الهواء شخص امرأة قد أرخت خماره ا فت دلى طرف ه إلين ا بحي ث تناله أيدينا وإذا مناد م ن ال سماء ينادين ا: إن أردت م النج اة فتم سكوا ب بعض أه داب ه ذا الخم ار. فتعلق آل واحد منا بهدبة من أهداب ذلك الخمار فرفعتن ا ف ي اله واء ونح ن ن شق جم ر الني ران ولهبه ا لا يم سنا ش ررها ولا يو ذين ا جمره ا ولا نثق ل عل ى الهدب ة الت ي تعلقن ا به ا ولا تنقط ع الاهداب في أيدينا على دقتها. فما زالت آذلك حتى جازت بنا تل ك الني ران ث م وض ع آ ل واح د منا في صحن داره سالما معافي ثم خرجنا فالتقينا فجي ن اك ع المين با ن ه لا مح يص ع ن دين ك ولا معدل عنك وأنت أفضل من لجي إليه واعتمد بع د االله علي ه ص ادق ف ي أقوال ك حك يم ف ي أفعالك. We saw the person of a woman in the air and an extension of her outfit was dangling towards us and a caller called out from the sky: 'If you would like to be saved, then attach yourselves to a strand of this cloth'. Each and every one of us held on to a strand of the cloth and was lifted up into the air away from the fires and we were not affected by its evil, nor did it hurt us, nor did we find ourselves to be heavy hanging on to it nor did it tear away from us. This did not stop until we were rescued from the fire and each one of us had been dropped in the courtyard of our own houses. Then we came out and came over to you saww and we know that there is no escape from your saww religion or from you saww and you saww are the best place of safety, truthful in your saww speech and wise in your saww deeds'. 8 out of 53

9 فق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) لاب ي جه ل: ه ذه الفرق ة الثاني ة ق د أراه م االله ا يات ه. ق ال أبوجهل: حت ى أنظ ر الفرق ة الثالث ة وأس مع مقالته ا. ق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) له ذه الفرقة الثانية لما ا منوا: يا عباد االله إن االله أغ اثكم بتل ك الم رأة أت درون م ن ه ي ق الوا: لا. ق ال: تلك تكون ابنتي فاطمة وهي سيدة نساء العالمين. The Messenger of Allah saww said to Abu Jahl la : 'This is the second group that Allah azwj has Shown His azwj Signs to'. Abu Jahl la said: 'I will wait until I see the third group and hear what they have to say'. The Messenger of Allah saww said to the second group, which had expressed belief: 'O servants of Allah azwj! Allah azwj Helped you by this Holy Lady asws, do you know who she asws is?' They said: 'No'. He saww said: 'This is my saww daughter Fatima asws I saww will be blessed with her asws and she asws is the Leader of the women of the worlds'. إن االله تعالى إذا بعث الخلاي ق من الاولين والا خرين نادى منادي ربنا من تحت عرشه: يا معشر الخلاي ق غضوا أبصارآم لتجوز فاطمة بنت محمد سيدة نساء العالمين عل ى ال صراط. ف يغض الخلاي ق آلهم أبصارهم فتجوز فاطمة على الصراط لا يبقى أح د ف ي القيام ة إلا غ ض ب صره عنها إلا محمد وعلي والحسن والحسين والطاهرون من أولادهم فانهم محارمها فاذا دخلت الجنة بق ي مرطه ا مم دودا عل ى ال صراط ط رف من ه بي دها وه ي ف ي الجن ة وط رف ف ي عرص ات القيامة. 'Allah azwj will Resurrect the people from the former ones and the later ones and a caller will call out from the foot of the Throne: 'O group of people, shut your eyes, for Fatima asws the daughter of Muhammad saww the Leader of the women of the worlds is going over the Bridge'. All the people will shut their eyes except for Muhammad saww and Ali asws and Al-Hassan asws and Al- Husayn asws and the purified from among their asws Progeny asws for they are within the permissible limits. Her asws piece of garment will remain on the Bridge, one end of it will be with her asws in Paradise and the other end will be in the plains of the Day of Judgment'. فينادي منادي ربنا: يا أيها المحبون لفاطمة تعلقوا با هداب مرط فاطمة س يدة ن ساء الع المين ف لا يبقى محب لفاطمة إلا تعلق بهدبة من أهداب مرطها حتى يتعل ق به ا أآث ر م ن أل ف في ام وأل ف في ام وألف في ام. قالوا: وآم في ام واحد يا رسول االله قال: ألف ألف من الناس. A caller from our Lord azwj will call out: 'O you who are those that love Fatima asws! Attach yourselves to this cloth of Fatima asws the Leader of the women of the worlds'. There will not remain a single one of those that loves Fatima asws but will attach himself to a piece of it, until more than a thousand 'Fiyam' of them will do so'. They asked: 'How much is a Fiyam O Messenger of Allah saww?' He saww said: 'A million people'. 9 out of 53

10 ماآان مثل ا ية موسى (عليه السلام): AT THE PLACE OF THE SIGN SIMILAR TO THAT OF MUSA asws قال: ثم جاءت الفرقة الثالثة باآين يقولون: نشهد يا محمد إنك رسول رب الع المين وس يد الخل ق أجمع ين وأن علي ا أف ضل الوص يين وأن ا ل ك أف ضل ا ل النبي ين وص حابتك خي ر ص حابة المرسلين وأن أمتك خير الامم أجمعين رأينا من ا ياتك مالا محيص لن ا عنه ا وم ن معجزات ك مالا مذهب لنا سواها. Imam Hassan Al-Askari asws said: 'Then the third group came over crying and said: 'We bear witness that you saww are the Messenger of the Lord azwj of the worlds and the Chief of all creation and that Ali asws is the best of the Trustees and that your saww Progeny asws is preferable to the progeny of the Prophets asws, and your saww companions are better than the companions of the Messengers asws and that your saww community is better than all the communities. We saw such of your saww Signs that we found no escape from and no other way out'. قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): وما ال ذي رأي تم ق الوا: آن ا قع ودا ف ي ظ ل الكعب ة نت ذاآر أم رك ون ستهزئ بخب رك وأن ك ذآ رت أن ل ك مث ل ا ي ة موس ى فبين ا نح ن آ ذلك إذا ارتفع ت الكعبة عن موضعها وصارت فوق رؤوسنا فرآدنا في مواضعنا ولم نقدر أن نريمها. فجاء عمك حمزة فتناول بزج رمحه هكذا تحتها فتناولها واحتبسها - على عظمها فوقنا في الهواء. ث م قال لنا: اخرجوا. فخرجنا من تحتها فقال: ابدوا. فبعدنا عنها ثم أخرج سنان الرمح من تحته ا فنزلت إلى موضعها واستقرت فجي نا لذلك مسلمين. Then Messenger of Allah saww asked (from the third group); 'What was it that you saw?' They said: 'We were sitting in the shade of the Kaaba and discussing your saww affair and laughing over what you saww had informed us of the Sign similar to that of Musa as. We were in the middle of that when the Kaaba suddenly lifted up over our heads and we just sat there unable to move away from underneath. Your saww uncle Hamza asws took a spear, this one, and held it up from under it, and held it in the air above us'. Then he asws said to us: 'Go out!'. We got out from under it. He asws said: 'Far away!' We went further away. Then he asws took the spear away from under it, and it settled back to its original place. Thus we come to you saww as Muslims'. 10 out of 53

11 فقال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) لاب ي جه ل: ه ذه الفرق ة الثالث ة ق د جاءت ك وأخبرت ك بم ا شاهدت. فقال أبوجهل: لا أدري أصدق هو لاء أم آذبوا أم حقق لهم أم خيل إليهم فان رأيت أنا ما اقترحه عليك من نحو ا يات عيسى بن مريم فقد لزمني الايمان بك وإلا فليس يلزمني ت صديق هو لاء. The Messenger of Allah saww said to Abu Jahl la : 'This is the third group which has come to you la and informed you la of what they have witnessed'. Abu Jahl la said: 'I don't know whether they are telling the truth or lying, or they have made it up, or it is their minds of what they have seen. He la said: I had proposed to you saww for showing me la the Sign of Isa Bin Maryam as and then it would become necessary for me la to believe in you saww otherwise it is not obligatory for me to ratify what they say'. فقال رسول االله صلى االله عليه ا له: يا أبا جه ل ف ان آ ان لا يلزم ك ت صديق ه و لاء عل ى آث رتهم وشدة تحصيلهم فكيف ت صدق بما ثرا باي ك وأج دادك وم ساوئ أس لاف أع داي ك وآي ف ت صدق عن الصين والعراق والشام إذا حدثت عنها ه ل المخب رون عنه ا إلا دون ه و لاء المخب رين ل ك عن ه ذه الا ي ات م ع س اي ر م ن ش اهدها م نهم م ن الجم ع الكثي ف ال ذين لا يجتمع ون عل ى باط ل يتخرص ونه إلا آ ان ب ازاي هم م ن يك ذبهم ويخبرب ضد إخب ارهم ألا وآ ل فرق ة م ن ه و لاء محجوجون بما شاهدوا وأنت يا أباجهل محجوج بما سمعت ممن شاهد. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O Abu Jahl la! If you are not necessitated for the ratification of these people despite their numbers and the intensity of their attainment, then how did you come to confirm the positive history of your la father and your la forefathers and the hostilities of your la enemies? And how did you come to believe what you have been told about China and Iraq and Syria? Are these informants other than these ones who have witnessed along with the rest of them, and they are not known to get together on falsehood nor did anyone who passed by them has falsified their account? In fact, each of these groups has been proved by what they have witnessed, and what you la have heard from them is proof over you asws '. ثم أقبل رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) على الفرقة الثالثة فق ال له م: ه ذا حم زة ع م رس ول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) بلغه االله تعالى المنازل الرفيعة والدرجات العالية وأآرمه بالفضاي ل لشدة حبه لمحمد وعلي بن أبي طالب أما إن حمزة (عم محمد) لينحي جهنم يوم القيامة عن محبيه آما نحى عنكم اليوم الكعبة أن تقع عليكم. Then the Messenger of Allah saww turned towards the third group and said to them: 'This is Hamza asws the uncle of the Messenger of Allah saww whom Allah azwj has made to reach the high levels and stations and has Honoured with virtues by the intensity of his asws love of Muhammad saww and Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. And as for Hamza asws, the uncle of Muhammad saww, Hell is 11 out of 53

12 forbidden unto him asws. Hamza asws, the uncle of Muhammad saww will lift those that love him asws, on the Day of Judgment, from Hell, just like he asws lifted the Kaaba from you today'. قالوا: وآيف ذلك يا رسول االله قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): إنه ليرى ي وم القيام ة إل ى جانب الصراط جم آثير من الناس لا يعرف عددهم إلا االله تعالى هم آانوا محبي حمزة وآثير منهم أصحاب الذنوب والا ثام فتحول حيطان النار بينهم وب ين س لوك ال صراط والعب ور إل ى الجنة فيقولون: يا حمزة قد ترى ما نحن فيه! فيقول حمزة لرسول االله ولعلي بن أبي طالب (عليه السلام): قد تريان أولياي ي آيف ي ستغيثون ب ي! فيق ول محم د رس ول االله لعل ي ول ي االله: ي ا عل ي أعن عمك عل ى إغاث ة أولياي ه واس تنقاذهم م ن الن ار في ا تي عل ي ب ن أب ي طال ب (علي ه ال سلام) بالرمح الذي آان يقاتل به حمزة أعداء االله تعالى في الدنيا فيناوله إياه ويقول: يا عم رسول االله وعم أخي رسول االله ذد الجحيم عن أولياي ك برمحك هذا (الذي آنت) تذود به عن أولياء االله في الدنيا أعداء االله. They said: 'And how will this take place O Messenger of Allah saww?' The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'He asws will see on the Day of Judgment by the side of the Bridge, that there will be a huge crowd of people, no one knows their number except Allah azwj, who used to be those that love Hamza asws. A lot of them would in difficulty due to their sins and disobedience, leaning towards the wall of Hell which will be between them and their crossing over the Bridge towards Paradise, saying to him asws : 'O Hamza asws! Do you see the predicament we are in?' Hamza asws will say to the Messenger of Allah saww and Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws : 'Do the two of you asws see how my asws friends are seeking my asws help?' Muhammad saww the Messenger of Allah saww will say to Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws : 'O Ali asws! Assist your asws uncle asws to bring relief to his asws friends and keep them away from the Fire'. Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws will give to Hamza asws the spear with which he asws used to fight against the enemies of Allah azwj in the world and say: 'O Uncle asws of the Messenger of Allah saww and the uncle asws of the brother asws of the Messenger of Allah saww! Use this to dispel the Fire from your asws friends just like you asws used to dispel the enemies of Allah azwj in the world'. فيناول حمزة الرمح بيده فيضع زجه في حيطان النار الحاي لة بين أولياي ه وبين العبور إلى الجنة على الصراط ويدفعها دفعة فينحيه ا م سيرة خم سماي ة ع ام ث م يق ول لاولياي ه و المحب ين ال ذي آ انوا ل ه ف ي ال دنيا: اعب روا. فيعب رون عل ى ال صراط ا من ين س المين ق د انزاح ت ع نهم النيران وبعدت عنهم الاهوال ويردون الجنة غانمين ظافرين. Hamza asws will take the spear in his asws hand and will strike with it on the wall of Fire which had come between his asws friends and their crossing over the Bridge to Paradise, and dispel it far away to a distance of five hundred years of travel. Then he asws will say to this asws friends and those that used to love him ar in the world: 'Cross over!' They will cross across the Bridge without any 12 out of 53

13 inconvenience. They will be far away from the Fire and its terrors and will reach Paradise, victorious'. ثم قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) لابي جهل: يا أبا جهل هذه الفرقة الثالثة قد شاهدت ا يات االله ومعجزات رسول االله وبقي الذي لك فا ي ا ية تري د ق ال أبوجه ل: ا ي ة عي سى ب ن م ريم آم ا زعمت أن ه آ ان يخب رهم بم ا ي ا آلون وم ا ي دخرون ف ي بي وتهم ف ا خبرني بم ا أآل ت الي وم وم ا ادخرته في بيتي وزدني على ذلك با ن تحدثني بما صنعته بعد أآل ي لم ا أآل ت آم ا زعم ت أن االله زادك في المرتبة فوق عيسى. Then the Messenger of Allah saww said to Abu Jahl la : 'O Abu Jahl la! This is the third group which, has witnessed the Sign of Allah azwj and the miracle of the Messenger of Allah saww, and now that leaves you la, which Sign do you want to observe? Abu Jahl la said: 'The Sign of Isa as in Maryam as as is said that he as used to inform people of what they had eaten and what they had hidden in their homes. Inform me la of what I la have eaten today, and what is there hidden in my la house, and more than that, narrate to me la what I la have done after eating that which I la have eaten if you saww are claiming that Allah azwj has Given you saww that which is above that was Given to Isa asws '. 13 out of 53

14 ماآان مثل ا ية عيسى (عليه السلام): AT THE PLACE OF THE SIGN SIMILAR TO THAT OF ISA asws فقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): أما ماأآلت وما ادخ رت ف اخبرك ب ه وأخب رك بم ا فعلت ه في خلال أآلك وما فعلته بعد أآلك وهذا يوم يفضحك االله عزوجل فيه باقتراحك فان ا منت باالله لم تضرك هذه الفضيحة وإن أصررت على آفرك أضيف لك إلى فضيحة الدنيا وخزيه ا خ زي الا خرة الذي لايبيد ولا ينفد ولا يتناهى. قال: وما هو قال رس ول االله قع دت ي ا أب ا جه ل تتن اول من دجاجة مسمنة أسمطتها فلما وضعت يدك عليها استا ذن عليك أخوك أبو البخت ري ب ن ه شام فا شفقت عليه أن يا آل منها وبخلت فوضعتها تح ت ذيل ك وأرخي ت عليه ا ذيل ك حت ى ان صرف عنك. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'I saww will inform you la of what you la have eaten and inform you la of what you la have done after eating it. This day Allah azwj will Disgrace you by it, but if you la express belief then Allah azwj will not let you la be affected by this scandal. But, if you la were to persist in your la infidelity then your la disgrace in this world will be increased by the disgrace in the hereafter from which there will be no escape and it will never come to an end'. He la asked: 'What is that?' The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O Abu Jahl la! Today you sat down to eat fried chicken and when your la extended (your hand) towards it, you la heard your la brother Abu Al-Bakhtari Bin Hisham came towards you la. Your niggardliness made you hide the chicken under your cloth just in case he might eat from it, and kept it hidden until he went away from you la '. فقال أبوجهل: آذبت يا محمد ما من هذا قليل ولا آثير ولا أآل ت م ن دجاج ة ولا ادخ رت من ه شيي ا فما الذي فعلته بعد أآلي الذي زعمته ق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): آ ان عن دك ثلاثماي ة دين ار ل ك وع شرة ا لاف دين ار وداي ع الن اس عن دك: الماي ة والماي ت ان والخم ساي ة وال سبعماي ة والال ف ونح و ذل ك إل ى تم ام ع شرة ا لاف م ال آ ل واح د ف ي ص رة وآن ت ق د عزمت على أن تخت انهم وق د آن ت جح دتهم ومنع تهم والي وم لم ا أآل ت م ن ه ذه الدجاج ة أآل ت زورها وادخرت الباقي ودفنت هذا المال أجمع مسرورا فرحا باختيانك عباد االله واثق ا با ن ه ق د حصل لك وتدبير االله في ذلك خلاف تدبيرك. Abu Jahl la said: 'You are lying, O Muhammad saww! No more no less, and I la did not eat the chicken nor did I la hide from him any thing. What do you saww think I did after eating?' The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'You la had with you la three hundred Dinars which were yours la and ten thousand Dinars of the people which had been entrusted to you, a hundred, and two hundred and five hundred and seven hundred and a thousand etc. of different people which 14 out of 53

15 were kept in different bags. You la thought of defrauding them and you la denied them. And today, you la have eaten the breast of the chicken and the rest you la have kept it aside, You la buried this money and are happy and content at having defrauded the servants of Allah azwj being confident that it now belongs to you la, but Allah azwj 's Plan is opposite to what you la have planned'. فقال أبوجهل: وهذا أيضا يا محمد فما أصبت منه قليلا ولا آثيرا وما دفنت شيي ا ولق د س رقت تلك العشرة ا لاف دينار الوداي ع التي آانت عندي. فقال رسول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): ي ا أب ا جهل ما هذا من تلقاي ي فتكذبني وإنما هذا جبري يل الروح الامين يخبرني ب ه ع ن رب الع المين وعليه تصحيح شهادته وتحقيق مقالته. ثم قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا ل ه): هل م ي ا جبري ي ل بالدجاجة التي أآل منها. فاذا الدجاجة بين يدي رسول االله. Abu Jahl la said: 'And this as well, O Muhammad saww, no more no less. And I la did not bury anything, and it was the thieves who stole the ten thousand Dinars that were deposited with me la '. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O Abu Jahl la! I saww have not said this of my saww own accord but it was Jibraeel as the Trustworthy Angel who has informed me saww from the Lord azwj of the worlds, and the truthfulness and the correctness of this is his responsibility'. Then the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Come, O Jibraeel as and bring to me saww the chicken that he la has eaten from'. The chicken appeared in front of the Messenger of Allah saww. فقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): أتعرفها يا أبا جهل فقال أبوجهل: ما أعرفها وما اخبرت عن شي ومثل هذه الدجاجة الما آول بع ضها ف ي ال دنيا آثي ر. فق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): ي ا أيته ا الدجاج ة إن أب ا جه ل ق د آ ذب محم دا عل ى جبري ي ل وآ ذب جبري ي ل عل ى رب العالمين فاشهدي لمحمد بالتصديق وعلى أبي جه ل بالتك ذيب فنطق ت وقال ت: أش هد ي ا محم د أنك رسول رب العالمين وسيد الخلق أجمعين وأن أبا جه ل ه ذا ع دو االله المعان د الجاح د للح ق الذي يعلمه أآل مني هذا الجانب وادخر الباقي وقد أخبرته بذلك وأحضرتنيه فكذب به فعلي ه لعنة االله ولعنة اللاعنين فانه مع آفره بخيل استا ذن عليه أخوه فوضعني تحت ذيله إشفاقا من أن ي صيب من ي أخ وه فا ن ت ي ا رس ول االله أص دق ال صادق م ن الخل ق أجمع ين وأبوجه ل الك ذاب المفتري اللعين. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Do you recognize this O Abu Jahl la?' Abu Jahl la said: 'I do not recognize this and have no information about it, and the like of this half eaten chicken will be found with many in this world'. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O you chicken! Abu Jahl la is falsifying Muhammad saww over Jibraeel as, and Jibraeel as over the Lord azwj of the worlds. Bear witness to Muhammad saww and ratify him saww, and on Abu Jahl la and his la falsehood that he la spoke'. The chicken said: 'I bear witness O Muhammad saww, that you saww are the Messenger of the Lord azwj of the worlds and the Chief of all creation, and this Abu Jahl la is the enemy of Allah azwj and is inimical in his la struggle against the truth that he la knows about it. He la has eaten from me and hid the rest that he la was informed about. He la is lying 15 out of 53

16 about it and may the Curse of Allah azwj be upon him and he denied his brother, a part of me, when he came up but he la hid me under his cloth due to his stinginess from his la brother. You saww, O Messenger of Allah saww are the most truthful of all creation and Abu Jahl la is a liar, a fabricator and an accursed'. فقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): أما آفاك ما شاهدت! ا م ن لتك ون ا من ا م ن ع ذاب االله عزوجل قال أبوجهل: إني لاظن أن هذا تخييل وإيهام. فقال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): فهل تفرق بين مشاهدتك لهذا وسماعك لكلامها وبين م شاهدتك لنف سك ول ساي ر ق ريش والع رب وسماعك لكلامهم قال أبوجهل: لا. قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا ل ه): فم ا ي دريك أن جمي ع ما تشاهد وتحس بحواس ك تخيي ل ق ال أبوجه ل: م اهو تخيي ل. ق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا له): ولا هذا تخييل وإلا فكيف تصحح أنك ترى في العالم شيي ا أوثق منه The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Is this witness sufficient for you la? If you believe it, you la will be safe from the Punishment of Allah azwj the Almighty'. Abu Jahl la said: 'This is your saww conjecture and imagination and is from yourself saww '. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Is there any difference between what you la have witnessed and heard from its speech, and what you la have witnessed from yourself la and the rest of the Qureysh and the Arabs and heard all their speeches?' Abu Jahl la said: 'No'. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Do you la think that all this that you la have seen is in your la mind and is imaginary?' Abu Jahl la said: 'This was not imaginary'. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'And this is not imaginary, otherwise how would you la correct something that you la see in the world?' ق ال: ث م وض ع رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) ي ده عل ى الموض ع الم ا آول م ن الدجاج ة فمسح يده عليها فعاد اللحم عليه أوفر ما آان. ثم ق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): ي ا أب ا جهل أرأيت هذه الا ية قال: يا محمد قد توهم ت ش يي ا ولا اوقت ه. ق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله عليه وا له): يا جبري يل فا تنا بالاموال التي دفنها هذا المعاند للح ق لعل ه ي و من. ف اذا ه و بال صرر بين يديه آلها في آ ل ص رة م ا آ ان رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) قال ه إل ى تم ام ع شرة ا لاف دينار وثلاثماي ة دينار. The Imam asws said: 'Then the Messenger of Allah saww passed his saww hand on the half eaten chicken and meat came over it better than before. Then the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O Abu Jahl la! Did you la see this Sign?' He la said: 'O Muhammad saww! I la saw something but I am not certain of it'. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O Jibraeel as, bring to me saww the wealth that he la has buried from the rightful deposits held in trust'. All of it appeared in front of him saww in bags, in each bag was what the Messenger of Allah aww had said, being complete ten thousand and three hundred Dinars. 16 out of 53

17 فا خذ رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) وأبوجهل ينظر إليه صرة منها فقال: اي توني بف لان ب ن فلان. فاتي به وهو صاحبها فقال (صلى االله عليه وا له): هاآه ا ي ا ف لان ه ذا ماق د اختان ك فيه أبوجه ل. ف رد علي ه مال ه ودع ا ب ا خر ث م ب ا خر حت ى رد الع شرة ا لاف آله ا عل ى أربابه ا وفضح عندهم أبوجهل وبقيت الثلاثماي ة دينار بين يدي رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له). The Messenger of Allah saww took each of the bags, and Abu Jahl la was watching him saww, and said: 'I saww give this to so and so'. He saww gave it to him, being the rightful owner of it. He saww said: 'This is the wealth that Abu Jahl la had defrauded you of'. He saww returned the wealth to him, and then called out to another one, and then another one, until he saww had returned the ten thousand Dinars to their respective owners, thus exposing Abu Jahl la within them. And there remained in front of the Messenger of Allah saww three hundred Dinars'. فقال رسول االله: الا ن ا من لتا خذ الثلاثماي ة دينار ويبارك االله لك فيه ا حت ى ت صير أي سر ق ريش. فقال: لا اومن ولكن ا خذها وهي م الي فلم ا ذه ب ليا خ ذها ص اح النب ي (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) بالدجاجة: دونك أبا جهل فكفيه عن الدنانير وخذيه. فوثب ت الدجاج ة عل ى أب ي جه ل فتناولت ه بمخالبها ورفعته في الهواء وطارت به إلى سطح لبيته فوضعته عليه ودف ع رس ول االله (ص لى االله عليه وا له) تلك الدنانير إلى بعض فقراء المو منين The Messenger of Allah saww : 'Now, believe, so that you can take the three hundred Dinars and Allah azwj will Bless you la until you la will become the wealthiest of the Qureysh. He la said: 'I will not believe! But, I la will take this wealth which is mine la '. When he la went to take it the Holy Prophet saww said to the chicken: 'Stop Abu Jahl la from taking these Dinars'. The chicken leapt on Abu Jahl la holding him with its claws and lifted him la up in the air and dropped him la at his house'. The Messenger of Allah saww distributed those Dinars to some poor believers. ثم نظر رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) إلى أصحابه فقال لهم: معاش ر أص حاب محم د ه ذه أي ة أظهرها ربنا عزوجل لابي جهل فعاند وهذا الطير الذي حيي يصير من طي ور الجن ة الطي ارة عليكم فيها فان فيها طيورا آالبخاتي عليها من جميع أنواع المواشي تطير بين س ماء الجن ة وأرضها فاذا تمنى مو من محب للنبي وا له الاآ ل م ن ش ي منه ا وق ع ذل ك بعين ه ب ين يدي ه فتناثر ريشه وانسمط وانشوى وانطبخ فا آل من جانب منه قديدا ومن جان ب من ه م شويا ب لا نارفاذا قضى شهوته ونهمته وقال: الحمد الله رب العالمين عادت آما آانت فطارت في الهواء وفخرت على ساي ر طيور الجنة تقول: " من مثلي وقد أآل مني ولي االله عن أمر االله ". Then the Messenger of Allah saww looked towards his saww companions and said to them: 'Group of companions of Muhammad saww! This Sign was Demonstrated by our Lord azwj the Almighty to Abu Jahl la, he denied it, and this bird which has become alive will be flying around with the other birds in 17 out of 53

18 Paradise with different types of appearances, flying between the ground and the sky of Paradise. When a believer, one who loves the Holy Prophet saww and his saww Progeny asws desires to eat it, it flies down to him, sheds its feathers and becomes roasted without the need for fire. After the believer has eaten from it and says: 'Praise be to Allah azwj the Lord azwj of the worlds!' It returns back to its original state and flies off into the air proudly proclaiming to the rest of the birds of Paradise: 'Is there any on like me? A friend of Allah azwj has eaten from me by the Order of Allah azwj '. 18 out of 53

19 مدح زيد بن حارثة وابنه: PRAISE OF ZAYD BIN HARITH AND HIS SON 293 قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): معاشر الناس أحبوا موالينا مع حبكم لا لنا هذا زي د بن حارثة وابن ه أس امة م ن خ واص موالين ا فا حبوهم ا فوال ذي بع ث محم دا ب الحق نبي ا لي نفعكم حبهما ". قالوا: وآيف ينفعنا حبهما قال: إنهما يا تيان يوم القيامة عليا (عليه السلام) بخلق عظيم من محبيها أآثر من ربيعة ومضر بعدد آل واحد منهم فيقولان: يا أخا رسول االله هو لاء أحبونا بحب محمد رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) وبحبك فيكتب لهم علي (عليه السلام) جوازا على الصراط فيعبرون عليه ويردون الجنة سالمين. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Group of people! Love our asws friends as you love us asws like this Zayd Bin Harith and his son Usama who are from our asws special friends, so love them. By the One azwj Who Sent me saww as a true Prophet saww, their love will benefit you'. They asked: 'How will it benefit us?' He saww said: 'These two will bring to Ali asws a great number of people, whose number will be more than the number of people in the tribes of Rabe'a and Mudhir, and say: 'O brother of the Messenger of Allah saww! These are people who love Muhammad saww the Messenger of Allah saww and you asws '. Ali asws will write out a permit for them to cross over the Bridge, and they will cross across it to Paradise safely'. وذلك أن أحدا لا يدخل الجنة من ساي ر امة محمد (صلى االله عليه وا له) إلا بجواز من علي (عليه السلام) فان أردتم الجواز على الصراط سالمين ودخول الجنان غانمين فا حبوا بعد حب محم د وا له مواليه ثم إن أردت م أن يعظ م محم د وعل ي عن د االله تع الى من ازلكم ف ا حبوا ش يعة محم د وعلي وجدوا في قضاء حواي ج إخوانكم المو منين فان االله تعالى إذا أدخلكم الجنة معاشر شيعتنا ومحبينا نادى مناديه في تلك الجنان: قد دخلتم ياعبادي الجنة برحمتي فتقاسموها على قدر حبكم لشيعة محمد وعلي (عليهما السلام) وقضاي كم لحقوق إخوانكم المو منين. فا يهم آ ان لل شيعة أش د حبا ولحقوق إخوانه المو منين أحسن قضاء أآان ت درجات ه ف ي الجن ان أعل ى حت ى أن ف يهم م ن يكون أرفع من الا خر بمسيرة ماي ة ألف سنة ترابيع قصور وجنان. And similarly, not a single one from the rest of the community of Muhammad saww will enter into Paradise except with permission from Ali asws. If you intend to get the permit for crossing the Bridge safely, and enter into Paradise in a goodly manner, then, after having befriended Muhammad saww and Ali asws, befriend their asws friends. Then if you intend to have your levels in Paradise to be increased by Muhammad saww and 19 out of 53

20 Ali asws, then love the Shiites of Muhammad saww and Ali asws, and fulfill the needs of your believing brothers. When Allah azwj Makes our asws Shiites and those that love us asws to enter into Paradise, a caller will call out in that Paradise: 'My servants! You have been Made to enter into Paradise by My azwj Mercy, and it will be divided according to your level of love for the Shiites of Muhammad saww and Ali asws and the fulfillment of the rights of the believing brothers'. If any of you were to love the Shiite intensely, and fulfill the rights of your believing brothers in a good manner, his level in Paradise will be so great that there will be a distance of a hundred thousand years of travel distance between his Palaces and gardens and those of the others'. قوله عزوجل: " قل ان آانت لكم الدار الاخرة عند االله خالصة من دون الناس فتمن وا الم وت ان آنتم صادقين ولن يتمنوه ابدا بما قدمت أيديهم واالله عليم يالظالمين ولتجدنهم احرص الناس على حياة ومن الذين أشرآوا يود أحدهم لو يعمر ألف سنة وما هو بمزحزح ه م ن الع ذاب أن يعم رو االله بصير بما يعملون " The Words of the Almighty "Say: If the future abode with Allah is specially for you to the exclusion of the people, then invoke death if you are truthful. And they will never invoke it on account of what their hands have sent before, and Allah knows the unjust. And you will most certainly find them the greediest of men for life (greedier) than even those who are polytheists; every one of them loves that he should be granted a life of a thousand years, and his being granted a long life will in no way remove him further off from the chastisement, and Allah sees what they do." VERSES 94 TO قال الامام (عليه السلام): ق ال الح سن ب ن عل ي ب ن أب ي طال ب (عليهم ا ال سلام): إن االله تعالى لما وبخ هو لاء اليهود على لسان رسوله محمد (صلى االله عليه وا له) وقطع مع اذيرهم وأق ام عل يهم الحج ج الواض حة ب ا ن محم د (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) س يد النبي ين وخي ر الخلاي ق أجمعين وأن عليا سيد الوصيين وخير من يخلفه بعده ف ي الم سلمين وأن الطيب ين م ن ا ل ه ه م القوام بدين االله والاي مة لعب اد االله عزوج ل وانقطع ت مع اذيرهم وه م لا يمك نهم إي راد حج ة ولا شيهة فجاءوا إلى أن آابروا فقالوا: لاندري ما تقول ولكنا نقول إن الجنة خالصة لنا من دونك يا محمد ودون علي ودون أهل دينك وامت ك وإن ا بك م مبتل ون و ممتحن ون ونح ن أولي اء االله المخلصون وعباده الخيرون ومستجاب دعاؤنا غير مردود علينا بشي من سو النا ربنا. Imam Hassan Al Askari asws said that the Imam Hassan asws Bin Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws said: 'When Allah azwj Rebuked these Jews by the tongue of the Messenger of Allah saww and cut off their excuses, and established upon them the manifest proofs that Muhammad saww is the Chief of the Prophets asws and the best of all creation, and that Ali asws is the Chief of the Trustees, and the best after him saww among the Muslims, and the goodly from among his asws Progeny asws are the establishers of the religion of Allah azwj and the Imams to the slaves of Allah azwj the Almighty, and cut off their excuses and it was not 20 out of 53

21 possible for them to present any counter proofs, they became arrogant and said: 'We do not know what you saww are saying. But, we are saying that the Paradise is exclusively for us apart from you O Muhammad saww and apart from O Ali asws and apart from those on your saww religion and your saww community, and you saww have involved us in a test, and we are the sincere friends of Allah azwj, and the best of those that worship Him azwj, and all our supplications get Answered and nothing gets rejected to us from what we ask from our Lord azwj '. فلما قالوا ذلك قال االله تعالى لنبيه (صلى االله عليه وا له): (قل) يا محمد لهو لاء اليهود: (إن آانت لك م ال دار الاخ رة) الجن ة ونعيمه ا (خال صة م ن دون الن اس) محم د وعل ي والاي م ة وس اي ر الاصحاب ومو مني الامة وأنك م بمحم د وذريت ه ممتحن ون وأن دع اءآم م ستجاب غي ر م ردود (فتمنوا الم وت) للك اذبين م نكم وم ن مخ الفيكم ف ان محم دا وعل ى وذويهم ا يقول ون: " إنه م ه م أولياء االله عزوجل من دون الناس الذين يخالفونهم في دي نهم وه م المج اب دع اؤهم " ف ان آن تم معاشر اليهود آما تدعون فتمنوا الموت للكاذبين منكم ومن مخالفيكم. (إن آنتم صادقين) با نكم أنتم المحقون المجاب دعاؤآم على مخالفيكم فقولوا: " الله م أم ت الك اذب من ا وم ن مخالفين ا " ليستريح منه الصادقون ولتزداد حجتكم وضوحا بعد أن قد صحت ووجبت. When they said, Allah azwj Said to His azwj Prophet saww : "Say" O Muhammad saww to these Jews "If the future abode with Allah" Paradise and its Bounties "is specially for you to the exclusion of the people" Muhammad saww and Ali asws and the Imams asws and the rest of the companions and the believers in the community, and that you have been tested by Muhammad saww and his saww Progeny asws, and that your supplications always get Answered and are never rejected "then invoke death" upon the liars among you and your adversaries, for Muhammad saww and Ali asws are saying that they asws are the friends of Allah azwj the Almighty apart from other people who oppose them asws in their asws religion and it is their asws supplications that get Answered. And if you, group of Jews, are as you are claiming to be, invoke death upon those that belie you and oppose you. "if you are truthful" If you are on the right and your supplications get Answered against your adversaries, say "Our Allah azwj, death be upon those that belie us and who opposes us" and the truthful among you can be veiled from them and it will increase your proof after it becomes true and it will become obligatory. ثم قال لهم رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا ل ه) بع د م ا ع رض ه ذا عل يهم: لا يقوله ا أح د م نكم إلا غص بريقه فمات مكانه. وآانت اليهود علم اء ب ا نهم ه م الك اذبون وأن محم دا (ص لى االله علي ه وا له) وعليا (عليه السلام) ومصدقيهما هم الصادقون فلم يجسروا أن ي دعوا ب ذلك لعلمه م ب ا نهم إن دعوا فهم الميتون. Then the Messenger of Allah azwj said to them after they could find no excuse: 'Not one of them will ever say this, but his saliva will get stuck in his throat and he will die in his place'. And the Jews knew full well that they themselves are the liars, and that Muhammad saww and Ali asws are truthful in what they asws say 21 out of 53

22 and that they themselves will incur losses if they were to supplicate like this and will meet their death'. فقال االله تعالى: (ولن يتمنوه أبدا بما قدمت أيديهم) يعني اليهود لن يتمنوا الموت بما قدمت أيديهم من آفرهم باالله وبمحمد رس ول االله ونبي ه وص فيه وبعل ي أخ ي نبي ه ووص يه وبالط اهرين م ن الاي مة المنتجبين. Allah azwj Said: "And they will never invoke it on account of what their hands have sent before" Meaning, the Jews will not desire death due to their past actions from their disbelief in Allah azwj, and in Muhammad saww the Messenger of Allah azwj, His azwj Prophet saww, one with His azwj attributes, and in Ali asws the brother of His azwj Prophet saww and His azwj Trustee, and in the purified from the chosen Imams asws. قال االله تعالى: (واالله عليم بالظالمين) اليهود أنهم لا يجسرون أن يتمن وا الم وت للك اذب لعلمه م با نهم هم الكاذبون ولذلك ا مرك أن تبهرهم بحجتك وتا مرهم أن يدعوا على الكاذب ليمتنعوا من الدعاء ويتبين للضعفاء أنهم هم الكاذبون ثم قال: يا محمد (ولتجدنهم) يعني تجد ه و لاء اليه ود (أحرص الناس على حياة) وذلك ليا سهم من نعيم الا خرة لانهماآهم ف ي آف رهم ال ذي يعلم ون أنه لاحظ لهم معه في شي من خيرات الجنة. Allah azwj Said: "and Allah knows the unjust" The Jews do not want to incur loss by invoking death upon the liars, for they know that they themselves are the liars, and that is why I azwj have Ordered you saww to silence them with convincing proofs and Ordered them to invoke death upon the liars, and due to this supplication, it will become clear to the weak ones that they themselves are the liars'. They Said "And you will most certainly find them" meaning, find these Jews to be "the greediest of men for life" and that they have despaired from the Bounties of the hereafter, which they have destroyed due to their disbelief, and they know that they will not get anything from the good things of Paradise. (ومن الذين أشرآوا) قال تع الى : ه و لاء اليه ود (أح رص الن اس عل ى حي اة) وأح رص (م ن الذين أشرآوا) على حياة يعني المجوس لانهم لا يرون النعيم إلا في الدنيا ولا يا ملون خيرا في الا خرة فلذلك هم أشد الناس حرصا على حياة. "(greedier) than even those who are polytheists" These Jews are the greediest of men for life and greedier than the polytheists for their desire to live. Meaning, the Magians (Majoosi) have not seen bounties except in this world, and they do not do good for the hereafter, and that is why they are the greediest of the people for life. 22 out of 53

23 ثم وصف اليه ود فق ال: (ي ود يتمن ى أح دهم ل و يعم ر أل ف س نة وم اهو التعمي ر أل ف س نة بمزحزح ه بمباع ده م ن الع ذاب أن يعم ر) تعمي ره وإنم ا ق ال: (وم ا ه و بمزحزح ه م ن العذاب أن يعمر) ولم يق ل: (وم ا ه و بمزحزح ه) فق ط لان ه ل و ق ال (وم ا ه و بمزحزح ه م ن العذاب واالله بصير) لكان يحتمل أن يكون (وما هو) يعن ي وده وتمني ه (بمزحزح ه) فلم ا أراد: وما تعميره قال: (وما هو بمزحزحه أن يعمر). ثم قال: (واالله بصير بم ا يعمل ون) فعل ى ح سبه يجازيهم ويعدل عليهم ولا يظلمهم. Then in characterisation of the Jews, Said: "every one of them loves that he should be granted a life of a thousand years, and his being granted a long life will in no way remove him further off from the chastisement" He azwj did not Say that they will be Granted a long life, and only Said "should they be Granted a long life" but it is to display their desire for a long life, but it will not be Given to them and Said "and Allah sees what they do" It suffices them that He azwj will deal with them with Justice and will not be Unjust to them. 295 قال الحسن بن على بن أبى طالب (عليهما ال سلام): لم ا آاع ت اليه ود ع ن ه ذا التمن ي وقط ع االله معاذيره ا قال ت طاي ف ة م نهم وه م بح ضرة رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) وق د آ اعوا وعج زوا : ي ا محم د فا ن ت والمو من ون المخل صون ل ك مج اب دع اؤآم وعل ى أخ وك ووصيك أفضلهم وسيدهم! قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): بلى. Imam Hassan asws Bin Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws said: 'When the Jews feared from this invocation, and Allah azwj cut off their excuses, the frustrated and fearful, among them said, in the presence of the Messenger of Allah saww : 'O Muhammad saww! You saww and the believers and the ones who are sincere to you saww - the ones whose supplications get Answered, and Ali asws your saww brother and your saww Trustee, are the preferable ones to them and their Chiefs?' The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Yes'. قالوا: يا محمد فان آان هذا آما زعمت فقل لعلي (عليه السلام) يدعو االله لابن ري يسنا هذا فق د آ ان م ن ال شباب جم يلا نب يلا وس يما ق سيما لحق ه ب رص وج ذام وق د ص ار حم ى لا يق رب ومهجورا لا يعاشر يتناول الخبز على أس نة الرم اح. فق ال رس ول ص لى االله علي ه: اي ت وني ب ه. فاتى به ونظر رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) وأصحابه منه إلى منظر فظيع سمج قبيح آري ه فق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): ي ا أب ا ح سن ادع االله ل ه بالعافي ة ف ان االله تع الى يجيبك فيه. فدعا له فلما آان بعد فراغه من دعاي ه إذ الفتى قد زال عن ه آ ل مك روه وع اد إل ى أفضل ماآان عليه من النبل والجمال والوسامة والحسن في المنظر. They said: 'O Muhammad saww! If they are as you saww think they are, then please ask Ali asws to supplicate to Allah azwj for the son of our leader who used to be a handsome young man and physically fit, but he was struck with leprosy and no one goes near him and no one lives with him, and he is fed bread from a distance'. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Bring him to 23 out of 53

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